The National Gender and Equality Commission wishes to draw attention to the provisions of Article 90 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 regarding the election for the seats in pa....
Powerful submissions for development of a Climate Change - Gender Action Plan in Bonn
The Conference of the Parties (COP), in decision 21/CP.22, decided to continue and to enhance the Lima work programme on gender, with a review of the work programme scheduled to....
Nakuru Office
The Nakuru-based NGEC regional office was operationalized in 2013 as part of the efforts by the commission to devolve its programming and research functions. The office ;
....Kisumu Office
The Kisumu based NGEC Western region office was started in 2012 as part of the efforts by the commission to decentralize and devolve its programming and research functions. The ....
NGEC and UNDESA in talks on role of indigenous peoples in the SDG framework.
Between 2015 and 2016 the Commission has been holding consistent talks with UNDESA on promotion of rights of indigenous persons and their increased participation in the global t....
The National Gender and Equality Commission has closely been monitoring the Labour dispute pitting the Government and the Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists U....
NGEC urges MCK to crack whip on Weekly Citizen over nude photos
The National Gender and Equality Commission has written to the Media Council of Kenya demanding action against the Weekly Citizen Newspaper for publishing nude pictures of a wom....
Gender and Climate Change-A Value based approach to measuring impacts of climate change.
United Nations Framework on Climate Change (UNFCC) organized the twenty second Conference of Parties (COP 22) in Marrakech Morocco between 7th and 18th November, 2016.Actually, ....
Looking at climate change and transport from a gender perspective
The Paris Climate Change Agreement opened the door to a world where they commit to sustainable, low-carbon growth. The commitment affects every sector of society and economy, in....
Complex Subject Tactful Negotiators
Parties to the UNFCCC have recognized the importance of involving women and men equally in UNFCCC processes and in the development and implementation of national climate policie....
Women activists on Climate Change call for gender integration instead of mainstreaming
MARRAKECH, Morocco (PAMACC News) - The African Working Group on Gender and Climate Change has identified gender integration as a key component to the continent’s implement....
Plans to initiate an integrated transport policy underway
The National Gender and Equality Commission has held discussions with representatives from the UN Habitat on mainstreaming accessibility and mobility for vulnerable groups using....
Advancing substantive gender equality and inclusion in climate change discourse and agreement
The National Gender and Equality Commission has joined the Government of Kenya Delegation led by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources and supported by other governm....
Today 9/11/2016 marked the Africa Women’s day at Conference of Parties (COP) 22 currently taking place in Marrakesh, Morocco.
The day began with a session ....
Address SGBV in Universities-NGEC
The National Gender and Equality Commission has urged Universities in Kenya to take firm measures to address sexual and gender based violence (SGBV) in their precincts. Making h....
Share Data on Cash Transfer Program-NGEC
NGEC Vice chairperson Simon Ndubai has urged the national government to share information on the administration of the cash transfer programme for ease of monitoring. Ndubai sai....
New Report Calls for Legal Accountability for States to Ensure Reproductive Rights
This week global human rights experts released a report calling for governments to provide greater resources and accountability to ensure reproductive rights.
The repo....
Embracing Diversity in Marsabit County
In the spirit of promoting gender equality and freedom from discrimination, the Commission led by Commissioner Gumato Yatani pitched tent in Marsabit County to provide a platfor....
Unlocking The Stalemate On The Framework For The Realization Of The Not More Than Two Thirds Gender Principle
Article 27(8) of the Constitution in the Bill of Rights obligates the State to take legislative and other measures to implement the principle that not more than two-thirds of ....
Congratulations to Rio 2016 Olympic Women’s Marathon Champion Jemima Sumgong
The National Gender and Equality Commission salutes Olympic Women’s Marathon Champion Jemima Sumgong for bagging the ultimate Gold Medal at the Rio 2016 games. Sumgong&rsq....