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Powerful submissions for development of a Climate Change - Gender Action Plan in Bonn

The Conference of the Parties (COP), in decision 21/CP.22, decided to continue and to enhance the Lima work programme on gender, with a review of the work programme scheduled to take place at COP 25 in November 2019. The decision further requested Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) to develop a Gender Action Plan (GAP) to support the implementation of the gender related decisions and mandates at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and by Parties

The SBI and Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) holds two sessions in a year. One during the COP (at venue of the conference) and the other in the month of May which is always held in Bonn, Germany. 

NGEC Chairperson Winfred Lichuma took a leadership role in the gender items of the negotiations for Kenya with the report focused on gender and climate change. Kenya submitted within time on the elements. The Chairperson co-facilitated in the two day in-session workshop during the SBI 46 held on the 10th and 11th of May 2017. Kenya through support of Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFs) facilitated the African Group of Negotiators (AGN) gender experts to also submit on the elements.

The proposed elements for inclusion in the gender action plan include enhancing technical support and capacity building of Parties on gender-responsive climate change policy including in regional and national meetings on planning and implementation of the NDCs and development of national communications, development of gender responsive indicators in the existing MRV for climate related issues and policies; enhancing data networks and access to information for women; allocating resources to support the equal participation of women and men from developing countries’ national delegations and supporting women to access climate finance through development of quality project proposals with gender responsive budgeting that address their needs.

The Commission will facilitate a dissemination of the workshop report to prepare for the expected negotiations for Kenyan participants prior to COP 23.



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